Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Going broke with Top pair-Top kicker

There are several things that can harm your ability to play poker profitably. One of the biggest problem I had was that I was not able to get away from "Top pair-Top kicker" in somewhat deep games. Getting stacked with top pair top kicker when all I had was 50BB was not relly a big deal but getting stacked with 100-200 bb is! This was bothering me soo much that I was kind of going on tilt and losing more money!

I kind of solved this problem by only buying 50 big-blinds deep on my games. If I doubled up, I would be put back in the "sitting with 100bb" and would be susceptible to losing my stack with an overpair or tptk again. So if you have this problem I would suggest that you only buy in for 50 BB and to remove your money from the table if you double up.

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